TechGinia Culture


Our Winning Culture

Appreciation with every well-done task.

Employee Friendly Policies and Practical Guidelines.

Team Building activities and fun onboard.

Each employee is treated equally.

Transparency in the work culture.


Act Like Entrepreneurs

Be accountable for our actions and inactions

Steward system assets and focus on building value

Reward our people for taking risks and finding better ways to solve problems

Learn from our outcomes -- what worked and what didn’t


Our Values

Leadership - The courage to shape a better future

Collaboration - Leverage collective genius

Integrity - Be real

Accountability - If it is to be, it's up to me

Passion - Committed in heart and mind

Diversity - As inclusive as our brands

Quality - What we do, we do well

Work Smart

Work Smart

Act with urgency

Remain responsive to change

Have the courage to change course when needed

Remain constructively discontent

Work efficiently


Focus on Trend

Focus on needs of our customers

Get out into the market and listen, observe and learn

Focus on execution in the marketplace every day

Be insatiably curious